The Importance of Saving Money To Build Wealth

The importance of saving money To Build Wealth. The importance of saving money in college
First and foremost, saving money is important because it helps protect you in the event of a financial emergency. Additionally. Saving money is highly important–it can provide peace of mind, open up options that improve your quality of life, increase your wealth due to compound interest.

Saving money helps navigate tricky situations, meet financial obligations, and build wealth. Saving money is vital. The importance of saving money cannot be understated.

In fact, with so many proven benefits, saving money is one of the best financial habits you can adopt.

But, if saving money doesn’t come easy to you, or you just don’t see the point, it’s natural to ask yourself, why is saving money important? Saving money is one of the essential aspects of building wealth and having a secure financial future.

It provides financial security and freedom and secures you in a financial emergency. By saving money, you can avoid debt, which relieves stress.

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Saving money gives you a way out from uncertainties of life and provides you with an opportunity to enjoy a quality life.

Putting aside a sum of money in a systematic manner can help you steer out of many hurdles and obstacles in life.

It can support you in your hour of need and ensure that your family has something to fall back on in case of an unfortunate event.

However, despite knowing the importance of savings, we often lose sight of it and spend more of our money in the present.

First and foremost, saving money is important because it helps protect you in the event of a financial emergency.

Related Post: Reasons You’re Broke And Can’t Save Money

Additionally, saving money can help you pay for large purchases, avoid debt, reduce your financial stress, leave a financial legacy, and provide you with a greater sense of financial freedom.

Truthfully, there are countless reasons to save money.

So, if you’re in need of a little money-saving motivation, or just want a further explanation as to why saving money is so important, you are in the right spot.

In this post, I’m going to take a deeper dive into the importance of saving money, and cover the top 20 reasons to start saving today.

Three Basic Reasons to Save Money: The Importance of Saving Money

While there are multiple reasons to save money, there are three basic reasons everyone should prioritize putting money aside:

  • Build an emergency fund,
  • For essential purchases, and
  • To build long-term wealth.

Most people save money after paying bills and debts, but you should calculate your savings rate first and save, before spending to really boost results.

But there are many other benefits of prioritizing your savings over spending money.

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Why is Saving Money Important?

Saving money is important because it ensures you start to protect yourself against any potential financial emergencies.

Additionally, prioritizing your savings helps you remove financial stress and anxiety, curb any debt, helps you build better money habits, and ensures you can reach your future financial goals like retirement.

Saving money is vital for many reasons. Some of them include:

1. Freedom To Pursue Your Dream Career

Have you ever known somebody that was stuck in a job they hate, because they didn’t have the financial freedom to quit and pursue something they enjoy?

Well, if they had enough savings, I’m willing to bet that wouldn’t be the case.

One of the most important reasons to save is to provide yourself with the freedom to pursue a career you love.

When you have ample cash sitting in your savings account, and a pile of investments earning interest, there’s absolutely no reason to endure a situation you hate.

In other words, a big pile of savings gives you the freedom to quit a job you hate and pursue your dream career.

2. Emergencies: As one Importance of Saving Money To Cushion Risk

Having money set aside for emergencies helps you in a testing situation. An emergency fund provides financial security in times of need.

It can help you avoid using credit cards or taking out high-interest loans. Navigating through a financial emergency in good shape serves as a useful reminder of the value of preserving money.

It’s inevitable that throughout life, there will be some emergencies.

From a family emergency that requires you to fly across the country, to less emotional emergencies like a broken down car, having a decent amount of money saved up keeps you from adding financial stress to the pile.

Seriously, money is the last thing you need to be worrying about in an emergency. So do your future-self a favor and save up an emergency fund. Hopefully you’ll never need to use it, but if you do, you’ll be beyond grateful it’s there.

3. Long-Term Security

No matter how hard I try, I can’t predict the future; and neither can you. And for that reason, saving up a safety net is a really good idea.

Think about it — without savings, how will you weather any financial storms? Without investments, how do you plan to make money when you’re too old to work? If you lose your job, will you be able to pay your bills?

Saving money is important because it provides you with financial security. And the more you save, the more secure you will be.

4. Your Child’s Education: As One Importance of Saving Money

The cost of education is increasing. Each year, student fees rise, making it more difficult to pay for education without going into debt.

Do you know what’s expensive? College. (Though, to be honest, elementary, middle, and high school are pricey little endeavors these days as well)

It is challenging, but with proper planning and commitment, you can ensure that your children graduate from college debt free. Having a minor savings account is your best bet, as it is targeted at children.

I mean, your wife is pregnant with your first baby, and you’re already discussing plans and funding your child’s college education.

And short of growing a money tree you know, the kind dads always talk about–the only way we will be able to afford it, is if we start saving now.

Education is important whether it’s your own, or your children’s. Ipso facto, saving money so you can pay for education is important.

5. Marriage

Marriage is an expensive event, but saving money from an early age can help. It is the only way to get the wedding of your dreams, without getting in debt.

Some savings account offer high interest, which helps you grow your savings at the same time. The importance of a savings account simply cannot be overstated.

I don’t think it’s a big secret that money problems are one of the leading causes of divorce. And if you’re married, you’ve probably experienced a money fight or two. And let me tell you, they are no fun.

But I can also tell you from experience that the more money you save, the less frequent those arguments occur. In short, saving money is good for your marriage. Don’t believe me? Try it.

6. Saving For Fun

Additionally, many people think you have to make a choice between saving money and having fun, but this is a poisonous mentality.

In fact, fun is a critical part of personal finance, and it is essential for your financial and physical well-being.

Truthfully, you should always set a little money aside for enjoyment. And when you have savings, you can do this guilt-free, and without any worry that you are harming your financial future.

Once again, saving money gives you the freedom to do what you want to do. And sometimes that means having a little fun.

7. Minimizing Financial Risk: The Importance of Saving Money For Security

The more money you have, the less risky your financial situation will become.

For instance, if you have $20,000 to your name, and you invest $12,000 to start your own business, you just risked 60% of your net worth.

Whereas, if you save and invest until your net worth crests one-million dollars, then spend $60,000 to start a company, you only risked 6% of your net worth.

Plus, when you only invest 6% of your net worth, it’s pretty likely you will make up for that in interest, alone, over the next year.

Saving and investing your money minimizes your financial risk. Plain and simple.

8. Creates Good Money Habits

When you begin prioritizing money, you are now creating a good money habit! These are financial habits that will better your life and finances now and in the future.

But I found that when I knew the importance of saving money and made an effort, I started to develop other good habits with my money too.

I became more conscious of my spending, avoided racking up credit card debt, became interested in investing, and more.

While that was my personal experience, I think you’ll start to notice your money habits change for the better after putting a plan to save more money together.

9. Big Purchases: One Importance of Saving Money For Investment

From Cars to Boats, to Furniture, to Big-Screen TVs, big purchases have a way of wiggling into the lives of the financially unprepared.

Then, when the dust settles and the monthly payments kick in, that thing that cost so much money transforms into an annoying roommate named, Buyer’s Remorse.

Big purchases are fun, and at times, necessary. You need a car so that you can drive to work. Living in a home without any furniture is uncomfortable at best. Watching football on a 12-inch tv with rabbit ears is not ideal.

But going into debt for a big purchase is worse. Rather, saving money so that you can pay for them outright is the way to go.

Since the goal is to Save Money rather than spend it. You might not consider that expensive purchases are one of the important reasons for saving money.

However, there are a variety of reasons you would wish to save funds to purchase expensive items.

These expenditures could include a new car or household equipment, such as a refrigerator, washer and dryer, or television.

However, these larger purchases can be costly. If you do not have the cash up front, you might have to use a credit card, which can be tricky to use.

While we may think about them often, big purchases are the reasons savings are important in the long run.

10. Helping Others

Do you know what happens when you save money wisely and invest intelligently? Your money grows. And when your money grows, your opportunity to help others financially grows with it.

Consider this. If you give 20% of every dollar you earn to charity or your local church, and you don’t have any savings or investments, your ability to give is limited by your annual salary.

In contrast, if you save and invest your money, your ability to give will grow exponentially with compound interest.

Remember, money is just a tool you can use to accomplish your goals. And if your goal is to help others as much as possible, you need to be saving and investing your money consistently.

11. Accumulating Wealth: The Importance of Saving Money For Future

If you want to focus on building wealth, you must save money. When you do so, you develop excellent financial practices and increase your cash reserves.

It also helps you invest, which is the only way to build actual long-term wealth.

You might begin by saving money in an interest-bearing bank account. It will allow your money to earn interest.

There are different types of savings accounts you can put your money into if your goal is accumulating wealth.

You can have a look at what Bank offers in terms of savings accounts to get the best rates in the market.

You can earn up to 5% per annum and get monthly interest credited to your savings account. Understanding the importance of savings is necessary today.

12. Leaving A Financial Legacy

If you died tomorrow, what kind of Financial Legacy would you be leaving behind? Would your story be one of debt and financial burden for your family? Or, would you leave a legacy of financial fortitude, wisdom and honor.

Your financial legacy is important to the people around you. Whether you’re 23 years old, or 100 years old, the way you handle your money will leave lasting effects positive or negative on your loved ones.

13. Home Ownership: The Importance of Saving Money For Retirement

If you own a home, you’ve undoubtedly experienced the many expenses that come with it.

Whether they’re big expenses like Kitchen Remodels, or small expenses, like buying filters for your furnace, they add up.

And while you might be able to cash flow the majority of them, it’s in your best interest to prepare for them in advance.

In fact, I recommend setting up a specific savings account just for your home expenses. That way, you don’t have to feel guilty pulling money from savings when you need to fix or update something.

14. Gives You Options

Having options in life is always a good thing to have and especially true when it comes to how you create income.

One of my favorite reasons to save money and ensure I have about a year’s worth of expenses saved is the opportunity it creates for me.

Maybe you want to explore your own business but will need to have your living expenses covered during this time. Or maybe you want to take some time off and switch gears into a completely different career.

Having money saved can give you some of those freedoms to pursue things you enjoy.

Plus, a job and comfortable income can be taken away from you overnight. Hell, even robots might take your job one day.

But having money saved gives you more time to not panic and breathe before making your next career move.

15. Financial Independence: Importance of Saving Money To Retire Early

Potentially one of your life goals is to reach financial independence, retire early (FIRE). It’s a much more common dream and goal for many people today who do not want to work well into their 60s.

One of the best parts of being an adult is the independence and freedom to do what you want when you want. (Within the confines of the law, of course)

But the less you save, and the more debt you accrue, the less independence you will have. So, if you want to be financially independent and unshackled, you need to beef up your savings.

16. Stress Reduction

There’s nothing like Financial Stress to keep you up at night. Or worse, wake you up in a cold sweat. (If you’ve ever experienced it, you know how unsettling that feeling can be.)

The good news is that there’s a great way to eliminate financial stress… just have more money.

Knowing that you have a certain amount accumulated for times of your need, gives you the peace of mind.

You can lead a stress-free life with the knowledge that you will not have to struggle if things take an unexpected route.

You might be thinking, “Umm…duh!”, but it’s the truth. You see, everybody wants more money, yet very few people work hard to save it up.

And, unless you win the lottery–which is beyond unlikely–the only way to have more money is to save it over time. It’s as simple as that.

Let me put it this way, would you rather pay your bills and have $30,000 in savings? Or, would you prefer to pay your bills and with $0 in savings?

I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure the $30,000 option would be less stressful.

17. Keep You Out of Debt: The Importance of Saving Money In College

When you state to practice various money-saving tips, you’ll find yourself less worried about accruing debt.

By prioritizing saving and increasing your savings rate, it allows you to pay for things with the money you have. Certainly, you can still use a credit card, but now you have the cash to pay off that card immediately.

And it’s one of the best feelings in the world to be able to pay something with cash and not be worried about interest or being stuck in an endless cycle of minimum debt payments.

Of course, people still go into debt even if they are saving money, but that comes down to have a spending issue.

That can be addressed by trying a no-spend challenge or seeking counseling if the shopping is out of control.

18. Money Doesn’t Control You

When you are constantly working for money to stay afloat, it can hold power over you. Money is in control of you and what you do, especially if you found yourself paycheck to paycheck.

But when you make saving money a priority, you put yourself in control. Money becomes a tool for you and you no longer feel like you have to chase money to get what you want.

Think how comfortable you’d be knowing you have 6+ months of expenses saved and have plans for what your money is for and will do. Ahh!

19. Getting Your Money to Work For You:

Another big incentive to save is the power of compound interest.

Compound interest means you earn a return not just on the amount you originally put away, but also on the interest that accumulates.

Over time, that means you can end up with much more than you started with. And the earlier you start saving, the more your money grows, since compound interest is able to work its magic over a longer time horizon.

For example, a person who starts putting $100 per month towards retirement at age 25 will wind up putting $12,000 more of their money into their retirement fund by age 65 than the person who started saving $100 per month at age 35.

But because of compound interest (and assuming a 7% annual rate of return), the person who started at 25 will wind up with over $120,000 more at age 65 (way more than the extra $12,000 they invested).

Please note that this is a hypothetical scenario and does not represent an actual investment. All investing involves risk.

Tips to Enable Saving Money

If you are new to savings or find it difficult to stick to your objective of saving, then you can try the following steps.

  • Putting Savings on Autopilot

If you’re manually putting cash away every month, it can be easy to fall behind.

For one thing, you may forget to move money into savings regularly amid your busy schedule. And, unless you protect the money in advance by transferring it to a different account, you may accidentally spend it.

One way to avoid this is to set up automated savings through your bank account or retirement plan.

If you’re putting away the amount you identified you need for your goal, you may get there without even thinking about it.

  • Create Budget For Savings

It helps to devise a budget for each month. You can create a plan at the beginning of the month to target savings and set limits for spending.

This lets you focus on what is important, reduces the chances of over-spending, and lets you save as planned.

  • Keep Track of Your Expenses

If you find it difficult to save regularly, try to record and keep a track of your monthly expenditure. This will offer you a clear picture of where you spend.

You can then identify the things that are not important and aim at saving more by avoiding those purchases.

  • Limit Credit Card Usage

Credit cards may provide a temporary sense of relief, but the high rates of interest can deplete your savings in no time.

It helps to limit your debt and restrict credit card purchases to ensure that your savings are intact and growing.

  • Invest in Long Term Financial Tools

When you save, it is also important to see your savings grow with time. Investing your money in a long-term investment plan can have many additional benefits.

These plans offer a lucrative rate of interest that lets your money retain its value and beat inflation. One such instrument is the savings or endowment plan.

The ICICI Pru Assured Savings Insurance Plan is a new age endowment plan that is designed to address your life insurance needs.


How Much Should I Invest in My Savings Plan?

The amount to be invested in a plan depends on your goals, current income and several other factors like important milestones and various financial needs.

Hence, there is no one figure that can suit everyone. In order to ascertain the minimum amount of investment required for your financial needs, you should take into consideration your future requirements and the time you have left to plan for them.

Based on those requirements, you can decide on the amount you should invest in your savings plan. The importance of savings cannot be stressed enough.

Do Savings Plans Offer a Lump Sum Payout Option?

Yes, a savings plan can offer you a lump sum payout option. Most plans let you choose whether to receive your money as a lump sum or as regular income.

Under the lump sum option, you pay premiums for a pre-determined number of years and then receive a guaranteed lump sum payment at the end of the term.

On the other hand, under the regular income option, you pay premiums for a fixed term and then receive either monthly or yearly regular income for the chosen term.

As I grow older, do I need to save more or less in my savings plans?

Although it is always better to contribute more to your savings plans, the answer would depend on your current savings pool and needs.

If you had started saving from an early age and have built a significant savings amount, you may not need to save more.

On the other hand, if you started saving late, you may have to make up for the lost years by contributing more to your savings plan.


Saving money is important because it provides:

  • Security,
  • Stress relief, and
  • Financial Freedom.

And while there are countless reasons to save, you just need to find a reason that resonates with you.

Whether it’s helping others, improving your marital finances, leaving a positive financial legacy, or just having a little more fun, you owe it to yourself to prioritize saving.

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