13 Reasons Why Most People Never Get Rich

Many people will never be rich because they are simply not willing to. They feel that it is easier to complain and assume that they will never
The primary reason for underachievement and failure is that the great majority of people don't decide to be successful. They never make a firm, unequivocal commitment or definite decision that they are going to become wealthy.

You need to stop thinking like a poor person. Anyone can achieve wealth. Looking for Reasons Why Most People Never Get Rich? You have got it.

It may be more difficult for some than others. But the opportunities are there for those who want to take them. But even anyone can achieve it; most people won’t. And the reason is pretty simple.

People prefer to regret the situation in which they are and blame someone else than do something about it. It is easier to do nothing and wait for things to come than to get up and work for them.

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And that conformism mentality of “I Can’t Do Things,” “This Is Not For Me,” and “That Is Only For The Privileged” keeps them in the same position they are now, permanently.

In essence, their mindset doesn’t let them see more than what they are achieving now. So if you have one of these thoughts I pointed in this article, you will probably never achieve wealth.

 Why Most People Never Get Rich

1. They Prioritize Other Things

The phrase “actions speak louder than words” gets to the heart of this cause. This is the number one of the Reasons Why Most People Will Never Get Rich.

Almost everyone wants riches, but until we prioritize getting rich over spending money on stuff that we don’t need, most of us will never truly accomplish that goal.

Most people do not want to get rich bad enough to make it happen. Bad enough to cancel expensive cable television services or cell phone plans.

Or bad enough to drive around in a 10-year old Corolla instead of a brand new Mercedes. Or bad enough to say no to expensive dinner or vacation invitations.

These are uncomfortable decisions that need to be made to help accomplish financial goals.

2. Most People Have A Conformist Mindset

The Minute you become comfortable you stop growing.

I spent 10 years in a job just because I was happy and fairly paid. But that prevented me from growing professionally, so I decided I needed to make a change.

Now I am earning twice as much because I decided I couldn’t spend the rest of my life with a job just because I liked it.

But many people don’t think like me.

They think that it is very risky to start a business. That it is difficult to change your job to one that pays more because they could fire you and that if a job allows you to pay your bills and hang out with your friends, you should not change.

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And this conformity mentality keeps them in the same place for years. But do I tell you a secret?

There is a job in exactly what you like to do that pays you more than in the one you are now. And there are also many more jobs on the market in case you get fired.

However, you have to be willing to make sacrifices. Maybe to study a little more, to go a little further than where you are used to.

And that’s what keeps people stuck, the feeling of having to do more than they are used to.

3. They Don’t Believe That They Can: Why Most People Will Never Get Rich

In some cases, people simply refuse to believe that anything GOOD could possibly happen to them.

A poor attitude is a devastatingly destructive state of mind for people who want wealth. If we believe that nothing good will ever happen to us, that will ultimately become our reality.

4. They Waste Precious Time Blaming Others Instead of Work on Themselves

If you ask anyone with a poor mentality why they are in the situation they are in, they will probably give you excuses like: “money is evil” “my parents were not rich , why me” “I was born in conditions that did not allow me to advance,” “the government will not let me,” or I have too many problems.

This is because it is easier to blame others for your own problems. Than to admit that you do not want to or make an effort to move forward.

Every time I go viral on Twitter. It is because I tell people that they can improve their living conditions. And they care more about making me understand that I am wrong than trying to see if I am right.

And that is one of the problems why they remain where they are. They would rather be right and remain miserable than work on themselves and realize that they have the power.

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Mark Mason wrote in his book The subtle art of not giving a fuck” how a person can improve his life by simply accepting that the problems are because of himself rather than others:

“Whether we consciously recognize it or not, were always responsible for our experiences. It’s impossible not to be. Choosing to not consciously interpret events in our lives is still an interpretation of the events in our lives… Your responsibility is to interpret the meaning of the event and choose a response, and when you start doing it, your life will improve.”

If you think you cannot achieve something, you will not achieve it. But when you begin to realize that you have the power to fix the situation you are in, you will find a way to succeed.

5. They Want To Keep Up With The Jonses

When status matters, keeping up with the Jonses is how that status gets maintained. If Jim next door rolls in with a new BMW, guess who wants one too?

Most of us see items that we don’t have with at least some degree of jealousy, and this habit is a huge factor in preventing significant wealth accumulation.

6. Most People Actually Never Try At All: Why Most People Will Never Get Rich

Every day I receive messages from people who congratulate and admire me for everything I have achieved and how they wish they had the luck I have.

And there is the first problem. Believing that all that a successful person can achieve is thanks to a chance.

Nothing in this life is a coincidence or divine luck. Everything that happens in our life results from our actions. I’m successful because I took strategic decisions and steps that let me where I am now.

Telling someone that they are lucky is like making them see that they do not deserve anything they have right now, and they still managed to get it.

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When I explain that they can also achieve the same results as me if they replicate my steps. And I tell them how I get up at 5 am to write to start programming at 8 am, they panic.

You have a natural talent,” “you have too much willpower,” “I couldn’t do that routine for more than a week,” and a lot of excuses you can imagine right now.

They don’t even try.

And you know why? Because it’s easier to see successful people and believe it is luck than to make a sacrifice and do the work.

8. They Don’t Accept That “it Takes Time”

Our inability to delay gratification keeps money flowing out of our wallets faster than we could possibly blink. For most of us, getting rich takes time.

It means sacrificing a little discretionary spending for the sake of your future self, and the word “future” scares a lot of people.

Life is short, spend money now. What if I die next week in a car accident? I don’t want to wait 10 years before I can enjoy the nicer things in life.

These are the excuses that keep us working towards a goal of wealth that never seems to get any closer.

  1. They think it is too late to start saving – While it is true that the earlier we start saving, the earlier we accomplish our financials goals, that does not mean we can’t start saving in our 30s or 40s. In fact, while I did funnel some money into my 401k throughout my 20s, it was only the bare minimum. I truly started to save BIG MONEY in my early 30s. I started late, but late definitely beats never!

9. They Prefer Not To Lose Their Money Instead of Win

Most people prefer not to lose their money than to be able to earn more money.

According to research by Kahneman and Tversky. People react more strongly to the pain that comes with loss than they do to the pleasure that comes with an equal gain.

The problem is that in your obsession with not losing money, you end up winning absolutely nothing.

I even know people who are unwilling to use $100 to buy a stock or start a business because “they are not willing to lose money,” but then they go to a luxury restaurant and spend $175.

“Loss aversion can prevent us from suffering, but it can also deprive us of opportunities. “

— Melissa Chu

We could get many opportunities if we stop thinking about what we could lose. Instead of analyzing the possible gains that a business or investment would bring.

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Two years ago, I bought an apartment that was not yet built for $50,000.

Many people were making fun of me because I didn’t even know if I would like it when the construction company finished it and that I lost my money.”

Currently, the apartment is worth $68,000.

Many people focused on that I could have lost my money if I did not like how it turned out. But I focused on selling it and earning more money if it was not what I expected.

10. They Built Very Few Passive Income Streams

Salary is great, but getting rich (and staying rich) becomes much easier when passive income streams are developed as a channel for continuous income.

Stock market and real estate investments are passive while commuting into an office and working a full-time job is very, very active.

Generating income outside of the office (where your money works for you) is a big factor in getting rich.

11. Think That Success Is For Privileged People

Although privilege can be an important part and key to success. It is not the only thing it takes to be rich.

Sure, being privileged helps achieve your goals faster or easier, but you can achieve the same results without having it.

That’s because success is not exclusive to privileged people. And believe that if it is to limit your potential because you do not want to make an effort to achieve it.

Here is a quote from an unknown author that talks about why people succeed that have nothing to do with privilege:

“Why Do I Succeed?

I succeed because I am willing to do the things you are not.

Will fight against the odds. I will sacrifice. Am not shackled by fear, insecurity, or doubt.

I feel those emotions drink them in and then swallow them away to the blackness of hell.

Am motivated by accomplishment, not pride. Pride consumes the weak-kills their heart from within.

If I fall, I will get up. If I am beaten, I will return. I will never stop getting better. I will never give up, ever.

That is why I succeed.”

Privilege alone gets you nowhere. There are thousands of people with many opportunities in front of them who simply choose not to take.

Greatness is more about taking the opportunities than just having the opportunity there.

12. They Live On Credit: Why Most People Will Never Get Rich

While the use of credit cards is not necessarily a bad thing. Using credit to make a purchase before acquiring the funds to pay those purchases off is a huge mitigating factor to getting rich.

Arguably, credit card debt is the very worst type of debt in existence.

Why? Interest rates are generally through the roof. And running a month-to-month credit card balance may also indicate a tendency to live beyond our means.

13. Believe That Every Business Opportunity Is “a SCAM.”

I have never seen a millionaire person laugh at someone for investing and undertaking. But I have seen many broke people laugh at someone who invests or undertakes.

Whenever I talk about a new business opportunity or an investment that I’m making. There is always a “friend” who thinks I’m going to lose my money or that a company is a scam.

Months later, I’m making 3–4 figures with that business, and that friend is in the same place.

Of course, there are many fake businesses in the market. And you should be careful where you put your money, but that shouldn’t stop you from learning and trying new investments opportunities.

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Taking risks does not mean going into business blindly and then expecting great results. Instead, successfully approaching risks requires careful planning and an underlying strategy.

Taking calculated risk will help you to build wealth and make you smart with each experience.

Not all investment or business opportunities are scams. And thinking that you’ll lose your money just because you don’t understand something or it’s not what you’re used to won’t get you very far.

14. Think That You Are Not Good Enough

A friend told me one day that she needed an extra income to pay her debts. I explained the applications I used to write, finding clients, and encouraged her to do her first story.

Months later, she wrote me that she was never going to do anything because she wasn’t good enough. I told her that I wasn’t good either. Learned over time, but she told me that I have a natural talent.

I had never written in my life, my first posts didn’t have 500 views. And I didn’t even know enough English when I started. But people look for any excuse not to strive for things.

You are unsuccessful not because you are not good enough but because you don’t even try to be good.

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Ayodeji Awosika wrote something about limit yourself in his article “How to Become Successful Without Doing Anything At All”:

I care less than you, therefore I try harder.

The more seriously you take yourself, the less likely you are to swing for the fences. You think the people who aim high are the egotistical ones.

No, you are. It takes a ton of ego to limit yourself and care so much about your self-image that it keeps you from living the best version of your life.

You are the only one who believes that you can’t do something. So if you think you are not good enough to do something, you will never achieve it.

Conclusion: Reasons Why Most People Will Never Get Rich

Although there are many factors why many people reach wealth while others get nowhere, I think the most important is the mindset.

With the right mindset, you are willing to do what it takes to achieve the other steps. Many people will never be rich because they are simply not willing to.

They feel that it is easier to complain and assume that they will never be able to do it than to do the homework of researching how to achieve it.

You have the choice to do something today to change your condition. What you do with that decision will determine whether you will grow up or stay in the same place.

What else? Can you think of other causes why most people will never become rich?